If you've followed my blog for a while, you probably know that I always have a million projects going on at once. My mind just can't grasp the concept of focusing on one thing at a time.
Instead of going for my Master's in teaching, I was really hoping to work more with my undergrad minor and do something with Deaf Studies. Yet apparently there are no colleges in Florida that offer graduate programs in Deaf Studies! I've been searching all over Google, using as many different search terms as I can imagine, and nothing's coming up! I just don't understand how it's possible that there are no programs out there for working with sign language.
Am I the only person in the state of Florida who is interested in sign language and Deaf Culture, and wants to pursue that as a career option? I mean, I'm not saying that I want to become an interpreter full time, or teach sign language at a school or something, but I just want to have options. I want to learn as much sign language as possible, which would definitely help in teaching my classes, but I just really want to expand my knowledge and be able to communicate in ASL more than I can now.
Honestly, if I can turn my minor into my Master's Degree, I would have so many possibilities for the future. I might even be able to work my way up at Disney and become an interpreter for the shows there! I saw ASL interpreters signing in front of a show at Magic Kingdom the last time we were there, and it was amazing to watch. I would love to do something like that, but I definitely want to take more classes in ASL and learn as much as I can before pursuing any kind of career with sign language.
I'm glad that I have almost a full year to figure out what I want to do, because finding a graduate school is definitely proving to be difficult.
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