Did you know that this month is National Adoption Month? It's a topic that has been discussed on social media, and it brings awareness to adoption.
- Foster care adoption
- A parent adopting their spouse's children
- Local adoption
- International adoption
There are many, many reasons for adoptions and ways in which to adopt. While adoption used to be a topic that people avoided speaking about, it is now a topic to celebrate. The odds of knowing a family that has been impacted by adoption are pretty high. There are tons of celebrities who are adopted or who have adopted children themselves, and they share their stories to help educate others on the topic. Just yesterday I wrote about the fact that Sandra Bullock is a mother through adoption. While I completely agree with her that you don't need labels and a parent shouldn't be referred to as an adoptive mother or father, I think that the adoption itself should be celebrated.
Many families celebrate the anniversary of their adoptions each year. Our family has never done that because, as my mom has always said, my siblings were part of the family from the moment they walked through our door. Adoption just made things official for everyone else, but they were already a Krigsman in our eyes before anything legal happened. I think that a lot of families feel this way as well, whether their children were placed in their homes as foster children or not.
Aside from my family, I know quite a few other families whose lives have been touched by adoption. A friend who was adopted as a little girl; a mom who adopted a baby as an infant; a dad who adopted his wife's daughters after they married. Those are just a few of the amazing people I know who have experienced the wonderful blessing of adoption.
I would love to share some other special adoption stories this month. If you've had experience with adoption, whether you adopted a child, you are an adopted child, your spouse adopted your children, or you have friends who adopted a child, I would love to hear about your adoption story. I can share your story anonymously if you prefer, and I ask that no names of minors are included in the story. I'm not just looking for a sugar-coated fairy tales, so it's okay if you want to share the hardships of adoption... I know that the process can be really difficult to go through!
You're welcome to write up your own story, or you can just give me some important details and I'll write up the story for you. You can also ask a friend or family member to write it up if you'd feel more comfortable. You can give me a specific story of one adoption, or a general story about how adoption has impacted your life and family. All I ask is that you follow these few guidelines:
- Include the age the child(ren) were placed in your home (if adopted through foster care)
- Include the age the child(ren) were adopted
- Include how long (approximately) the adoption process took
You can also include a picture with the story, but I don't post pictures of minors on my site, so it would need to be a photo with faces blurred out or a photo taken from the back. Or it could be a photo of an object that represents the adoption or something along those lines.
Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have because I would really love to feature some incredible adoption stories throughout the month. You can comment below or use the Contact page to reach me if you'd like to share a story, or you can send me a message through my author page on Facebook if you'd like to send a picture with your story.
Thank you so much for your continued support! I look forward to sharing more stories about my experience with foster care, and hopefully hearing from readers who have questions or similar stories to share. I'm always willing to answer questions and hear about other experiences! Please don't forget to like and share my Facebook author page as well!
I’d greatly appreciate it if you would share this blog with friends and family through your favorite social media sites. If you’re sharing on Twitter, don’t forget to tag me (@TayTayK02) and use the hashtag #TaylorTalks.