Today, I had to do the one thing that I never wanted to have to do... call out sick for work.
Apparently, I fell asleep before everyone left the house, because I never even heard them all going out to the car. The next thing I knew, it was 2:33pm and the house was silent because I was the only one here. My mom was already out waiting to pick up the girls from school! I slept for over six hours!
Unfortunately, even with the insane amount of sleep, I still have a fever and I still feel awful. Well, in some ways today was better than yesterday. At least all of the sneezing stopped. But this fever is making me jump from sweating hot to freezing cold and back again every few minutes. I've felt so restless since I woke up, like I need to get up and do something, but I also feel too weak to even contemplate doing anything that requires energy.
On a daily basis, I'm super lazy and enjoy sitting on the couch doing nothing. Once I'm sick though, I can't stand sitting around and letting people do stuff for me. I need to be up and moving! Being sick is one of the worst feelings in the world. That being said though, it's kind of fun to eat cookies, toast, and cookie dough on a sick day. Yeah, my eating habits were horrible today, but it tasted so good! And my mom doesn't know that I just sat here eating cookie dough, so she just came in and offered me some popcorn.... hey, I deserve some fun foods on a sick day!
I probably won't be up much longer tonight, since my mom said that I need lots of sleep to get the fever out of my system. I feel like doing anything but sleeping since I slept for so long during the day, but I'm sure that my mom is right, like always. Just like she was right yesterday when she said I would never be able to go to work today. That really killed me this morning.
I'm hoping that I'll be somewhat back to normal tomorrow, but at least I'm not scheduled to work again until Tuesday so I have plenty of time to recover completely. Still, I hate feeling like this, so the sooner this fever is gone, the better!
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