We finally made it! We're at our new house in Florida and we were so excited to finally pull in! We didn't get here until it was already getting dark, but hey, at least we made it.
We're all exhausted and tomorrow is going to be a long day of cleaning and emptying out the truck that my dad drove down. I think we're all going to pass out as soon as our heads hit the pillows... Actually, I think my dad, brother, and little sisters are already out cold! So I'm going to stop blogging, go help put a few things away, and let my mom, sister, and I get to bed. I can't wait to go exploring tomorrow in the daylight; it looks like we're going to be living in a nice area!
I only have two more weeks to reach my goal of 150 likes on my Facebook author page by the time I'm celebrating a year of blogging on July 29th. I still need 42 people to hit that "like" button and I would be really grateful to everyone if you could like and share my page. It's as simple as clicking the two buttons at the top right of any blog page, so it only takes a few seconds of your time! As I've mentioned before, when I reach 150 likes, I will share information about the novel that I've been working on, so I'm really excited to hit that milestone!
I’d greatly appreciate it if you would share this blog with friends and family through your favorite social media sites. If you’re sharing on Twitter, don’t forget to tag me (@TayTayK02) and use the hashtag #TaylorTalks.