The realization hit me today that while I started this blog to discuss foster care and adoption, I've barely touched either subject in the most recent weeks. So much has been happening in my personal life that I've been finding it difficult to talk about anything aside from my new job or plans for the holiday season.
At the same time, I know that I don't want to forget about why I originally started this blog. I believe that it's very important to share information that I've learned over the years about what life is like in a foster/adoptive family, and I hope that people benefit from that information when I share it.There's just so much going on in my life sometimes that I can't focus on the past because I have exciting news to share in the present.
I also think that while I started Taylor Talks in order to connect with other members of foster and adoptive families, a major reason for wanting to blog daily was that I wanted to have a reason to write. Sometimes I don't post a lot, and sometimes I may not need to use my creative writing background in order to talk about a certain subject, but at least I'm writing. I've heard that in order to become a good writer, you just need to make yourself write. Sure, blogging isn't exactly working on my novel or coming up with a good idea for a children's book, but at least I'm writing.
This time of year is crazy on a usual basis, but the fact that I just started a new job makes it all the more insane. I think that once January comes, I'll be able to get back to posts of real substance and share useful information once again. I actually have some ideas for foster care and adoption related content that I'd like to put to good use, but I don't have enough time to enact those ideas with the effort that will make them worthwhile. I definitely have plans for some great content though, if you'll just bear with my hectic life for a little while longer.
In the meantime, there's a few more days to order from Amazon and get gifts by Christmas Eve.... Don't forget to order your copy of "A Christmas For Toys" now. You can make a child's day a little brighter and you'll be able to say that you owned one of my books before I made it big!
Thank you so much for your continued support! I look forward to sharing more stories about my experience with foster care, and hopefully hearing from readers who have questions or similar stories to share. I'm always willing to answer questions and hear about other experiences! Please don't forget to like and share my Facebook author page as well!
I’d greatly appreciate it if you would share this blog with friends and family through your favorite social media sites. If you’re sharing on Twitter, don’t forget to tag me (@TayTayK02) and use the hashtag #TaylorTalks.