Tonight, I wanted to talk about some of the things that a foster parent should think about teaching a child while caring for them. My parents have taught my foster siblings a lot, and I think that it has been really beneficial for the kids.
Welcome back to Taylor Talks!
Tonight, I wanted to talk about some of the things that a foster parent should think about teaching a child while caring for them. My parents have taught my foster siblings a lot, and I think that it has been really beneficial for the kids.
Welcome back to Taylor Talks!
I can't believe I've made it this far, but today is the eleven month anniversary of my blog! Only one more month until my big project turns a year old! Welcome back to Taylor Talks!
Do you know what happens when you ask a question? You get some amazing answers, especially when the question is addressed to your mom. Tonight, for example, I asked my mom for blog post ideas, and I ended up finding out about something that I never knew about before. I thought I would share that information here tonight. Welcome back to Taylor Talks!
I thought that I would make another list tonight, because I really enjoyed listing my Top Ten favorite things about foster care. Tonight's topic is more specific: adoption days! I'm listing my five favorite things about adoption days as a tribute to my five siblings that my parents have adopted. Welcome back to Taylor Talks!
I know that I normally don't post twice in one day, but today is a very special occasion. America is making history, and that deserves a post all of its own. Welcome back to Taylor Talks!
It's Foster Parent Friday once again, so today I'm featuring an anonymous interview with a foster parent from Queensland, Australia. For all of the interviews I've featured so far, just click on the Foster Parent Friday category by following this link or looking at the Categories on the right side of any blog page. Welcome back to Taylor Talks!
Have you ever talked to a child about why they were placed into foster care? Have you ever looked a kid in the eye and explained why they were put into the system? Welcome back to Taylor Talks!
Alright, who's ready to admit that they're tired? Come on, you know you're all exhausted... I'm so ready to pass out in bed that writing tonight feels like a major accomplishment. I don't just mean 'it's bedtime' tired either; I mean more along the lines of exhaustion from the school year coming to an end, summer beginning, and feeling like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders somewhat. Although I'm sure for most parents, as much as you love having your kids home for the summer, you're even more exhausted just thinking about how to keep them from yelling about how bored they are every five minutes. Yeah, now you're all even more tired, aren't ya? Welcome back to Taylor Talks!
It's the night before school ends and anywhere you go, there are children snug in beds and dreams of summer overflow. Alright, not my best work, but you get the idea... tomorrow's the last day of school! Welcome back to Taylor Talks!
Have you adopted children? I think I've made it pretty clear that all of my siblings are adopted, but each adoption was so different from all of the others. I'm sure anyone else who has adopted children could share a different experience as well. |
AboutMy family started doing foster care when I was three years old. We took in nineteen children over the course of eighteen years, with our last placement leaving in December 2014. I'm the only biological child in my family, though my parents adopted five of my siblings.
I love to share my perspective on the foster care system and share how my unique upbringing shaped my life. I'm also a Cast Member at Walt Disney World and lover of all things Disney! My career allows me the opportunity to find a little bit of Magic in life every day. I enjoy sharing my journey as a writer as well. Find my children's books on Amazon and keep following my blog for updates on future books that I'll be releasing! Archives
January 2021