I finally got to video chat with my best friend!! Here's another wonderful shout out to SPC, because we have been trying to video chat for weeks and it just hasn't been working out. I miss my best friend!
I've been feeling like we still aren't settled down here, probably just because it's summer and we've been swimming and going shopping and there are still boxes to be unpacked. But with school starting up, it's feeling more real that whoa, we're living here now. The kids are going to be in classes at new schools. I'm applying to jobs, and I'm teaching sign language. We finally got our television up on the wall in the living room today, so that's making it feel more like our house as well. Once we get our routines down with the school year starting, I think we'll feel a whole lot more settled.
I'm sure my mom will have me emptying boxes once the kids are in school, but I just hope I can take a nap! Although we also have the option of going in the pool without needing to watch kids, or watching an entire television show without being interrupted. We will be able to talk about anything and not have to strain to hear each other over whining in the background. I've mentioned before how difficult it can be to get through a full conversation with so many kids around all of the time, so I am looking forward to having some alone time with my mom during the school day.
With all of the kids out of the house for the new school year, I'd also like to get some writing done during the day. I haven't worked on my novel at all since the move, and it's time to get back to work. I still have a goal for myself of finishing the novel by 2016, and I know that I can do it if I push myself. I'm the kind of person who needs to set very specific goals in order to accomplish something, so I want to fulfill my goal and, in turn, fulfill my dream of writing a book. I first wrote about my novel here in my blog at the end of last August, which was almost a full year ago. It's time to really accomplish something with it.
Thank you so much for your continued support! I look forward to sharing more stories about my experience with foster care, and hopefully hearing from readers who have questions or similar stories to share. I'm always willing to answer questions and hear about other experiences! Please don't forget to like and share my Facebook author page as well!
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