Today at work, I was talking with a fellow Cast Member and a funny memory came up of my little sisters. Since it's extremely late and I'm tired after just getting out of work, I thought I would just share that memory here tonight. It works out well because today was the anniversary of Twin B coming home from the hospital and joining the family (after Twin A came home a week earlier), so the two memories kind of go hand in hand.
I'll never forget this one time when a woman came up and asked if it was hard with twins. I replied that I didn't know, I was just the sister. I didn't know what else to say! And then it started happening when my mom was standing with us as well. People would talk to me about the babies instead of to my mom. It made both of us crazy. I had never even been on a date, much less had a kid or two!
The best was when we went to parent-teacher conferences once. I was the kind of kid who always liked to go to conferences and introduce my mom to my teachers, then wait out in the hallway while they talked in the classroom. So shortly after we took in the babies, conferences were held for the spring semester of my junior year of high school. My best friend and I went with my mom (he was just a few months shy of being sixteen himself), and we sat out in the hallway watching the girls. I cannot even begin to count the number of people who stopped to compliment the two of us on our daughters and ask us about our cute little family! It was insane! There were so many problems with that day. Number one: I've posted pictures of myself before... I'm pale white if you've seen what I look like. My best friend is just as pale as I am. My sisters are beautifully ran Puerto Ricans though! There's scientifically no way that they could have been our children. Number two: we were at our own high school. Most people knew that my family did foster care anyway, but if not, had anyone seen me walking around the school pregnant? I think not!
Over the years, I've learned to either just ignore the weird remarks or have fun with them. You can't change what people are going to assume about you anyway, so you kind of have to just shake it off after a while. I don't get asked about the girls being mine as much now since they're bigger, and we usually don't get any questions if we're all out together as a family, but it's still pretty weird.
Your continued support means the world to me. From foster care to novels, and family to work experiences, I look forward to sharing more of my life with you each day. Don't hesitate to share your own stories with me or ask me questions about my life. Please don't forget to like and share my Facebook author page as well!
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