Tonight's post will be brief because I'm exhausted. I have no other excuse, just that I need sleep and can't think. On the bright side, though, a two hour delay was already called for tomorrow morning due to the freezing temperatures or something, so at least I don't have to get up at 6:30am!
When a child is adopted, they are given a brand new birth certificate. The original document from their birth becomes irrelevant and is no longer their legal birth certificate. Instead, a new birth certificate is filled out with the adoptive parents' names as the parents.
The new birth certificate doesn't look any different than a biological child's birth certificate (you know, besides the name/date of birth/height/weight/etc.). It doesn't say "adoptive parent" on it. The names are just filled out as a mother or a father, and the new family is complete. Of course, the family does receive a certificate of adoption as well, if I remember correctly, but that's a whole separate document.
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