I’d like to discuss something that rules your life when you’re part of a large family like mine: SICKNESS.
By Wednesday, the doctor had called my mom to say that the test for my sister that had originally come back negative had now turned out to be positive. So now all three of my little sisters are on medication and I really admire my mom for the way she can keep track of who gets which medication in addition to daily medicines that half of us are on for one thing or another. I can barely remember to take my Asthma medication everyday!
My throat was starting to get sore last night, but luckily, it has come to a stop on its own. I can’t afford to get sick right now… there’s too much going on at school for me to take time off (although, I would definitely love a day to just sleep and not worry about anything!!).
The family that gets sick together stays together. How often do germs get passed around your whole family?
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