It's slumber party night here at the Krigsman house, and everyone has been bouncing off the walls all day!
The girls were so happy because their two girl cousins are just a little younger and older than they are, so the four girls have been bonding all day. My brother's also pretty happy because his boy cousin is just a few years younger than he is, so they've been playing video games together and having fun. It's amazing how loud this house has become with the addition of just three more kids, because all six of them have been so excited and were screaming as they played throughout the house.
We tried to venture out for dinner, but we left too late and everything was completely crowded when we got to the restaurants. So we ended up ordering pizza instead and got back home shortly before it was delivered. Still a pretty good meal, but I think we were all disappointed in not being able to go to the restaurant. Even though I was the most excited to be going out to dinner (yes, I know how pathetic that sounds), I know it was probably better to eat at home because the kids were so crazy.
I even got a little something out of this whole sleepover deal, because I tried some beer and wine tonight! I've tried sips of a handful of drinks since I turned 21 last year, and haven't really found a drink that I like. Unfortunately tonight was no different, as both the beer and the wine tasted awful to me. I guess I'll just have to keep trying different alcoholic beverages until I'm able to find something that I like!
Now we're all wiped out, but my mom, our cousin, and I are happy to sit and chat now that it's actually quiet throughout the house. I could still hear the girls in the bedroom giggling as they put themselves to sleep... they're so excited to be having a slumber party. I can't wait to see how tomorrow goes!
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