On nights like tonight, when I'm really craving a nice soft-serve ice cream, I'm kind of homesick for my hometown. That doesn't mean that I'm not happy here though... quite the opposite. I'm really enjoying life down here so far, and to make myself feel better about not having great ice cream (come on, it's Florida...where's it all hiding?), I thought I would make a list of the things that I love about Florida life so far.
- The palm trees are beautiful! Whether you're out and about in town, or looking right in your own backyard, you can spot palm trees just about anywhere. I don't know what it is about these trees, but they've just always meant Florida to me. When we would see a palm tree on vacation, I knew that we had arrived in Florida. I was so excited for palm trees to be a regular sight after we moved, and I'm pleased with how many are around my town.
- Our new pool is amazing, and it's always so warm! Alright, so I haven't actually gone swimming every single day like I thought I would, but I realized how obnoxious it is to get chlorine in your hair on a daily basis. That being said, I still love the pool. It has been great to be able to jump in to cool down whenever we have some free time. The kids have become regular ole fish in there, and it's always so hard to get them out after a few hours in the pool. It's wonderful!
- The weather has been wonderful, even on the days when it's extremely hot. Some days are humid, which isn't a huge thrill, but those are the days that make perfect swimming weather. The days that aren't humid are perfect; it can be 112 degrees out (like it was today), but you step into the shade and you feel cool as a cucumber. Plus, we met a woman today who is also from New York (she's been down here for a few years), and she said that in the winter there's only one, maybe two, weeks that get "cold" with 30 degree weather at night. You basically just need a sweatshirt jacket in the winter months and you're fine! I can't wait to experience that firsthand.
- Our new house is really great, and I'm loving the fact that I'm only sharing a room with one sister now instead of all three. As my parents will kindly point out, I still have lots to unpack and put away. However (and I swear I'm getting to it soon), we can function and walk around our bedroom and we have plenty of space for the two of us. We have our own bathroom too, which means that I can totally call out my sister when her hair is in the drain, and she can't blame it on anyone else! In all seriousness though, my sister and I are getting along so well since we've been down here, and I'm really enjoying sharing the room with her.
So maybe I get a little homesick from time to time, and I'd give anything to run down the road to get awesome ice cream again, but there's really a lot going for our new town. Okay, okay, I really miss my friends too... but I can't focus on that too much or I'll really get homesick. I think it will take a while to get used to life down here, especially with things so hectic over the summer months, but I'm sure this big move will pay off in the end.
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