Whew, are my eyes tired! I spent hours tonight filling out forms and reading guidelines & handbooks with information I needed to know before starting my new job....and I'm still not finished!
Filling out forms for taxes makes me think about dependents, and how many family members you have. How many times must foster parents change tax forms as their families increase and decrease in size? I mean, think about it for a minute; most families only grow once in a while with the addition of a new baby. What's the size of an average American family? Two kids? Three? Four? I know with six kids we're considered a large family, and that's obviously not counting all of the brothers and sisters whom I've said good-bye to over the years.
Foster families are constantly dealing with the addition and loss of children (and therefore, dependents) in their homes. One month you're responsible for supporting five children, the next you're only responsible for supporting two. It's amazing how different the family make-up can be in such a short period of time, depending on whether you take in emergency placements and short-term placements, or even provide respite care. Friends and extended family probably have a hard time keeping up with what kids you have in your house if you are a foster family; if you don't see them very often, your family members are probably different each time you get together.
I would also just like to mention that as a wonderful surprise, I got to talk to my best friend on the phone tonight!! He's super busy with school and work, so we usually just get to text once in a while, but tonight we were able to talk for almost an entire hour, which was fantastic! We keep talking about the possibility of him coming down to visit at some point, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he'll be able to come down sooner rather than later. I would give anything for a hug from him!
Thank you so much for your continued support! I look forward to sharing more stories about my experience with foster care, and hopefully hearing from readers who have questions or similar stories to share. I'm always willing to answer questions and hear about other experiences! Please don't forget to like and share my Facebook author page as well!
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