It's the first day of Winter, but I don't think that Florida got the memo...
It's going to be a crazy week as we count down to the big day, but everyone is excited to celebrate. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is (you'll never guess) the Disney parade that airs each Christmas morning. I absolutely love sitting down with my family and watching for my favorite characters, hearing holiday tunes performed in front of the castle, and learning about what new things Disney has planned for the upcoming year. Of course, I'm hoping to be getting some inside scoop now that I've officially earned my ears, but it will still be fun to watch!
Tonight I broke the news to my siblings that I won't be home on Christmas Eve, and they were pretty bummed out. The twins told me that I'm their sister and I'm part of the family so I need to be here, which really made me feel guilty. I know that there's no real way to explain work to them at this age, but hopefully being home for Christmas Day will make up for missing out on our Christmas Eve traditions.
I also have a pretty big surprise planned for Christmas, which I hope my siblings will love. I wasn't going to tell anyone about it, but I finally had to tell my mom today. I got her approval to give this surprise (although she tried to take back that approval when I refused to give her more than the absolutely necessary information), so I can't wait! My dad will be surprised as well, so it should be fun.
Now I do have work for the next three days in a row, so I may have to post earlier in the day at some point, depending on my schedule. I have faith in myself that I'll be able to continue posting daily though, even when working long hours. Wish me luck!
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