Wow, I can't believe that it's the last day of August! Where has the month gone? It seems like just yesterday we were moving into our new house in the middle of July, and yet we've been here for a month and a half already.
Now, I don't know what the rest of the country has been hearing on the news, but down here in Florida we've been hearing a lot about Hurricane Erika. Well, she broke up a good deal, meaning that we're not getting a full hurricane, but we're still getting hit with a ton of rain from her. I grabbed this picture from my mom, which she had taken earlier this evening. If you look closely, you can see that the water level is up to the very top of the pool. I haven't been back outside since right after dinner, but I'm hoping that since the rain let up, the water didn't get any higher. It was getting a little scary with the huge thunderstorms, and we really don't need any flooding right now. My fingers are crossed that the rain storms subside and leave us alone!
I'd like to end tonight with a silly story about, you guessed it, my little sisters. I know, my mind is all over the place tonight. So anyway, we're still getting everything settled here, and one project that we're beginning to tackle is the twins' bedroom. Since they're so small for their age, they still fit in their toddler beds. My mom wanted to transition them to twin beds a while ago, but since they still fit, and she wanted to give them a little stability through the move, she left them in their little beds. Now that we've been in the new house for a month and a half, my mom figured it was a good time to switch them into their big girl beds. Before we can set up the beds, my mom wanted to paint headboards and make everything look nice. So we have two twin mattresses that we keep moving from room to room as we get things set up. Yesterday, I made the mistake of putting the mattresses in the girls' bedroom, and it didn't take long for them to lay the mattresses out on the floor and have a jumping party. They were so funny jumping around on the mattresses, and at one point, our dog even started jumping with them! Then today, we moved the mattresses into my parents' bedroom to get them out of the way, but Twin A found them. I had to get her out of the bedroom when it was time for dinner, and I found her smushed in between the mattresses, which were standing on edge against a wall. It was great sensory stimulation for her, but I still had to shake my head in amazement at the way she got herself in there. My little sisters are really something.
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