Wow, so today was pretty much the coolest first day of work ever! And I do mean first day of work... I found out that we got paid for today!
Among today's excitement was the fact that I got my name tag. My beautiful name tag that proudly displays my name and hometown. After my whole group put on our new name tags, I kept mine on until I got home and showed my family. Speaking of getting home, my 45 minute trip took two whole hours!! It was crazy... completely stopped traffic for a while, and then moving an inch at a time. Yikes. At least I had Christmas music blasting on the radio to keep me sane the whole drive home!
I'm really excited for tomorrow, but since it's another early morning, I have to get to bed early again tonight. Hopefully at some point this week I'll have time to put up pictures and write more than a few paragraphs! Thanks for hanging in there with me while I navigate my new job and figure out my time management skills.
Thank you so much for your continued support! I look forward to sharing more stories about my experience with foster care, and hopefully hearing from readers who have questions or similar stories to share. I'm always willing to answer questions and hear about other experiences! Please don't forget to like and share my Facebook author page as well!
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