I'd like to start off tonight by recognizing a special day in our family - my aunt's birthday. My mom's sister passed away when I was four years old after being directly hit in a car accident. Our lives changed completely once she was gone, and nothing has been the same since that devastating day. On her birthday, I like to remember the four years I had with her, and this year especially I can picture her more clearly since we watched those old home movies just weeks ago.
I thought that it might be fun to record myself reading some children's books and then upload them to my YouTube account. It will give me the opportunity to re-read some of my favorite children's books, get to know some new books, and share my love of reading at the same time. It's also a way for me to practice using different voices for reading, which is something that I've always had fun with, but sometimes get shy about. I think I did pretty well with reading stories to the kindergarten kids that I worked with for student teaching, so I want to continue to improve on that. I'm hoping that someday I'll be reading pieces of my own novel and children's books aloud during book signings or a small book tour, so it's a very helpful skill to have. Today, I recorded a video today of myself reading Maurice Sendak's "Where The Wild Things Are" and began a new playlist on my YouTube channel. I'm excited to find other books to record in the future, and I'll post updates on my author page (and probably here too) whenever I upload a new video.
Thank you so much for your continued support! I look forward to sharing more stories about my experience with foster care, and hopefully hearing from readers who have questions or similar stories to share. I'm always willing to answer questions and hear about other experiences! Please don't forget to like and share my Facebook author page as well!
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