I'm sure that my mom, sister, and I were the only ones who remembered this little fact, but during the drive down to Florida, I wrote that I had lost an earring sometime during a stop in a hotel. It was the only thing that we lost during the move, which was great when you thought about it like that, but I was so upset to lose it. Well guess what? Today, it showed up again! It was in my mom's emergency bag all along! We have no idea how it got there (or when), but she suddenly found it when she went to get something out of the bag this morning. I was so excited... we didn't lose a single thing on the entire drive down here!
The house feels like it's coming together nicely, and we're really feeling more at home. We've got some pictures up on the wall now; not all of them are up... my mom's going to be pretty ticked at me if we don't get the rest up tomorrow since it's my fault that they're not up already. I'm a big procrastinator. My bedroom is slowly coming together, but every time I turn around, there's another box to be emptied! You think you can just take a moment to lay on your bed and enjoy your new house, but then surprise, there's much more work to be done.
I'm also having a hard time dealing with the fact that I've graduated and now I'm taking a year off before doing my Master's. Do you realize how difficult it is to go from being in school every single year for eighteen years (yes, I'm counting preschool and kindergarten) to just sitting back and having no classes to look forward to? I know, I'm crazy right? Who looks forward to school, especially when it's going to be a difficult graduate program? But I've always loved school, even when I'm going through a difficult patch of classes, and I just feel so weird this summer. I keep finding myself researching schools online in order to prepare for next year. I keep trying to figure out if there's a way to take a class or two before actually going to grad school, just to have something to do. I'm completely insane... I just need to focus on getting a job instead and forget all about school until next summer.
While I procrastinate once again in finding a job, I'm at least focusing on my writing a little. I haven't been able to work on my novel since before we left New York, so I'd really like to get back to that. I did take a little break from the novel and entered a writing competition with a short story, and then I uploaded it to my Wattpad profile. It's called "The Girl With The Lavender Locks," and it's a Young Adult fantasy story, so feel free to read it if you're interested in my latest work. I really enjoyed writing it, even though I never thought I would be a fantasy writer, so I'm considering adding to the story and making it a full book (or at least a longer short story) eventually. I guess we'll just see where my ideas take me!
Thank you so much for your continued support! I look forward to sharing more stories about my experience with foster care, and hopefully hearing from readers who have questions or similar stories to share. I'm always willing to answer questions and hear about other experiences! Please don't forget to like and share my Facebook author page as well!
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