Tonight, I wanted to talk about foster care placements for sibling groups.
When there are only two siblings, it might not be as difficult to find them a placement together. We've actually had sibling duos placed with us three times, plus we took in a sibling duo one at a time once (long story... They were both here at the same time eventually). Our very first foster care placement was a sibling duo. We went from preparing to start on this amazing journey, ready to take in a child, and we ended up taking in two at the same time.
It's a lot to take it two kids at once, but it's still easier than taking in three or four kids at once. Larger sibling groups are often harder to place together. In the case of four or more siblings, if they can't all be placed together, then CPS will try to place the kids with at least one of their siblings. We've also dealt with having children who have siblings placed elsewhere in the system.
Dealing with sibling groups in foster care is difficult but it's always important to look out for the best interest of the children. At least when siblings can't be placed together, they can see each other on visits. I'm not sure if this happens in every situation, but I know that we've had kids see siblings on visits in the past.
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