I'd like to officially welcome you to the new home of Taylor Talks, taylortalks.net! I am so excited to make this move and have the blog on a new, more reliable, website. I hope that anyone reading the blog will find the transition to this site easy and worthwhile.
This blog has become more than just information about foster care. It has become a place for me to discuss old memories, helpful information, and the daily life that I experience as part of such an incredible family. I have been fortunate enough to hear from a few people who are part of a foster family, or part of a large family like mine, and it has been so nice to hear that my blog is providing a good read for at least a handful of people.
I would like everyone to know that I'm open to questions. If you'd like to hear about a certain subject, feel free to use the Contact page or leave a comment on any post. You can also talk to me on Twitter or write to me on my Facebook page. Sometimes all it takes is a simple question or a thought about something that may seem completely random to spark my memory and give me plenty to talk about in a future blog post.
Thanks for staying with me as I continue on this journey and work toward becoming a published writer. I'm looking forward to posting on this new website and writing about more of our foster care story.
I’d greatly appreciate it if you would share this blog with friends and family through your favorite social media sites. If you’re sharing on Twitter, don’t forget to tag me (@TayTayK02) and use the hashtag #TaylorTalks.