As a writer who has been working on a novel for more than two years, I have done quite a lot of research of the field that I am pursuing.
In researching literary agents, I have started following many agents on social media. I've found that they share some helpful tips every so often, which is obviously helpful in becoming a better writer. However, it's not just about getting those tips and tricks; I follow them so I get to know them better, beyond what interviews say about what they are looking to represent. I get to know if we could possibly work well together, in addition to learning exactly what they are looking for in new work.
Today, I found that an agent I've been following for quite some time (she was actually the first agent I liked when I first began researching) had shared a list of what she's looking for in writing submissions. The list, overall, was a great read because I noticed a few items on her list that coincided with what I've been working on, but something caught my eye for another reason. Take a look at this screenshot that I took...
So, how often have I mentioned that I need a larger following on social media in order to be taken seriously as a writer? Here's the proof that literary agents are truly looking to see that you have people who are interested in your work following you online! It is insanely important, and now one of my top choices for a literary agent to represent my work is actually putting this information out there.
I truly do need support on all forms of social media in order to prove that I (and my readers) take my writing seriously. If you haven't done so yet, please follow me on whatever social media you are part of. I'll post links to all of my pages below. And if you're interested in reading the whole post from literary agent Clelia Gore, click on the picture above to be taken directly to her website.
Your continued support means the world to me. From foster care to novels, and family to work experiences, I look forward to sharing more of my life with you each day. Don't hesitate to share your own stories with me or ask me questions about my life. Please don't forget to like and share my Facebook author page as well!
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