Being part of a big family means lots of love, always having someone to talk to, and not enough time alone.
Overall, I absolutely love being a big sister in a large family. I'm used to the chaos, the noise, and the nonstop movement of kids. But sometimes you just need a minute to have a full conversation or space to be alone and hear yourself think.
Each one of us, myself included, tend to interrupt or walk into a room drawing attention to ourselves even though other people might be talking already. It happens; you kind of just jump in whenever you can in order to share a story. But my littlest sisters are definitely the kids who interrupt the most. Now, maybe the rest of us were all like this when we were little and I just don't remember, but these six-year-olds can definitely be pains in the butt!
Lately, we've been working a lot with the girls on having patience, a concept which they are really struggling to understand. It appears as though teaching twins to be patient and wait their turn is more difficult than teaching a singleton; it's impossible to focus on just one twin because the other one feels left out or wants that attention as well. While it gets annoying to have the girls in your face when you're trying to speak to someone else, their methods of getting attention are definitely funny. There are little dances, silly faces, songs, pats on the arm... Pretty cute stuff, which makes it difficult to discipline them for interrupting. I know that my mom has had to tell me on more than one occasion to just look away because she couldn't have me laughing while she was explaining that they had to wait their turn.
In the past couple of weeks, the girls have become more vocal about getting someone's attention when they're in another room behind closed doors. For example, you can't go into the bathroom without one of them knocking on the door and calling out to you. Last week, I remember at one point that I was trying to take a shower, and I had barely stepped foot in the bathroom and closed the door when Twin A came pounding. And they won't take no for an answer; they need you right then, or they need to know what you're doing. Saying that you're busy just isn't a good enough excuse.
The girls also try to speak through the doors now, which only makes them harder to understand. Instead of standing back and yelling through a closed door (as if you couldn't hear from the other side anyway), they now go right up to the door and put their mouths on the door handle and try to speak through there. It just makes them muffled and doesn't allow you to understand anything that they're saying, but they keep doing it anyway. And tonight, when I was in my bedroom on the phone, I had locked the door to keep the girls out and of course they each took a turn knocking and trying to come in. Once again, it was Twin A who tried to outsmart me, this time laying down on the floor and speaking through the crack under the door. I actually had to have someone come pick her up and carry her away from my room so I could speak... she had me hysterically laughing!
I love being part of my crazy family, even if it's difficult to get a minute alone.
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