My goodness! We can just never have a calm day around here! I don't think that anyone really understands what my mom goes through on a daily basis around here.
When we first moved down here, my mom had looked into pediatricians. Of course, with a family as big as mine, doctors are high on the priority list of people to know. Plus, the kids needed to see a Floridian doctor in order to get registered for school. So we found a pediatrician and took the kids there for a routine check up and to let them meet the doctor. Wow, it was not a good experience.
Let me just say that we've realized how spoiled we were in New York. We had the most amazing pediatricians in the entire world. Normally I don't put specific personal information on here, but since we don't live there anymore, I have to give a shout out to the greatest pediatrics office ever. Washingtonville Pediatrics, you are all so wonderful! Seriously, if anyone's moving near my hometown, you should definitely look into taking your kids there. Here's a quick synopsis of how phenomenal our pediatricians were... My parents interviewed the doctor who had started the practice when my mom was still pregnant with me. They loved her immediately and took me to the office all of the time after I was born. No, literally, all of the time; my mom thought I had a fever just about every day of my infancy and would take me in just to be safe. The practice includes a few different women who are collectively the most understanding, patient, helpful doctors I've ever met. Some doctors have come and gone over the years, but they all have been spectacular. The entire staff there is beyond wonderful; the nurses, the ladies who check you in for your appointments and do billing... And if you're a foster family, you understand the issues with finding doctors who will help the foster children who have not-so-great insurance. These doctors didn't start out taking the insurance that our foster kids had, but they changed their policy to be able to accommodate our entire family. They treated each of my foster siblings like their own children, no matter their age or what we knew about their background. That's really important when you have foster children; they're scared enough about being in this crazy situation... you want a good doctor who will take care of them and make them feel at ease right away.
Okay, now that my [kind of large] plug is finished, sorry if I rambled, back to the story. So the pediatrician we found down here was the exact opposite of our doctors in New York. He wasn't friendly with the kids, he was very rushy, and he just didn't make us happy. So my mom had already been looking for a different pediatrician, but when the girls got sick, it was even more important for us to find a good doctor. We were running out of medicine, and the girls really needed some nebulizer treatments. Luckily, my mom found a really nice pediatrics office where they may not be as fantastic as our old doctors, but they may prove to be a close second. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things go well with them.
The new doctors' office did provide us with medications to help the girls feel better, plus gave us refills on all of their other medicines. Our kitchen counter looks like a pharmacy now! Between the girls' daily medications, my brother's daily medication, the oil that my mom has to rub on my sister's forehead everyday to help heal the scar she got in August, the nebulizer medicine, the medicine to clear up the major asthma problems, and medications to stop an ear infection that was beginning, there's no space on the counter anymore! And this doesn't even include my daily medications... those are up in the counter where I (almost) always remember to grab them every morning. Yet somehow my mom keeps track of exactly who needs what medicine at what time for what problem. She's always right on top of everything.
Sometimes I think that people don't always give enough credit to stay at home moms. I think that my mom works harder than people in most other professions. She has so many kids to keep track of, and everyone always has a million things happening at the same time, not to mention my dad and the dogs. Because yes, in the midst of all of the sickness, the dogs had grooming appointments as well.
You rock, Mom! Thanks for all that you do each day!
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