Wow, this week has just flown by! I can't believe that it's already Friday, and after the weekend it's back to school for my siblings.
My sisters were old enough to really get into the egg coloring this year. They didn't quite remember this activity from years past, but that didn't stop them from taking it very seriously this year. Talk about egg coloring.... they used crayons in every color of the rainbow to draw designs on their eggs before dipping them into the cups of dye. The eggs came out really nicely, but boy did it take forever!
Not to be outdone, us older kids took part in the egg coloring as well. I'm really not the biggest fan of coloring eggs (I'm too much of a control freak, I think), but it went pretty smoothly this year. I think a big difference was in the way we set up the materials. Back in New York, we had the cups of dye spread out all over the big dining room table. This year, we used a counter in the kitchen and all sat or stood around it, so everything was more contained to a smaller area. Plus, everyone was big enough to understand warnings of, "Don't knock the cups over," and, "If you whine, we're done." Sure enough, there were very minimal spills and just about no whining... of course, when the blue was already being used, there was a slight issue, but that tends to happen in such a big family.
The eggs really did come out beautifully this year though. Everyone did a great job, and we got these cute new holders to display all of the eggs in. Now everyone's just looking forward to the Easter egg hunt come Sunday, when the kids have to figure out where the Easter Bunny hid all of those eggs. There's 36, which you would think would take all day to find, but most of them are usually found before lunchtime. This year, however, we're in a brand new house with more new and exciting hiding places, so this should be fun.
Coloring Easter eggs is another one of those activities that we can look back on and see pictures with a different family each year. It's crazy how many different combinations of siblings I've had come each Easter. That's one of the perks of being part of a foster family though; we've never had the same experiences twice.
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