I could not be more thrilled to say that I'm finally feeling better! I'm not sick for the first time in five days!
I was so glad that I was feeling better today so that I was able to drive to the Chinese food restaurant to pick up dinner, and even make a pit stop at the grocery store for some ice cream for dessert. That's one way to celebrate the end of a sickness! I was also able to get a bit more writing done today, and catch up on a lot of the television that I missed this week with all of the sleeping that I did.
The absolute best part of getting better though was that I got to hug my little sisters again. I mean, I sleep in the same room as one of my sisters, and both she and my brother were helping me out throughout the week and checking in on me to see how I was feeling. But my little sisters had been sick before I was, so I was doing my best to stay as far away from them as possible. I would give them a little hug at bedtime as I looked the other direction so I wouldn't breathe on them, but that was about it. I missed cuddling throughout the week, and following them into bed at night for one last good night hug as they got themselves comfy. I missed the million different times throughout the day when they would walk past me and I would pull them in for a hug and make them giggle, just for no reason. Today, I was able to get that back.
I still didn't want to risk having any germs left and making the girls sick anyway, so I still tried not to breathe too closely on them, but I hugged them throughout the day, played with them and made them laugh, went with them to oversee teeth brushing before bed, and got those good night squeezy hugs again. It's funny how much you miss the little things when you can't have them for a while. It makes me wonder how I made it through college living away from my family, but it also makes me realize why I only went to school 45 minutes away and came home almost every weekend!
I want to thank everyone for the well wishes while I was under the weather... I'm so glad that this week is over!
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