We successfully survived the first day of normal routine after winter break! Everyone was on time for school, my brother and sister did well with their first day of new classes, and the twins were absolutely thrilled to have been reunited with their friends.
I was also able to accomplish a little bit on my novel! It wasn't much, but it was something... I feel like I've just been lacking the inspiration I need to finish these last few chapters, so any bit of writing that I can push myself to do helps with the creative process. Part of me loves this whole process of finding the right words and letting the story unfold in my mind, while another part of me can't wait for this first draft to be finished so I can start back at the beginning and read through the whole story as I edit and revise. Of course, I'm extremely anxious to finish the book altogether and move forward with the publishing process, because I can't wait to find an agent, a publishing company, and eventually hold my completed book in my hands.
Speaking of books, I forgot to mention that as we were packing all of the holiday decorations yesterday, my mom pulled "A Christmas For Toys" to the side and stuck it in a frame. This very first copy that I had was an author proof, so there's a little more in this book that makes it different from the copies that readers can purchase. My mom thought that this made it unique and something incredibly special, so she put it in a frame and plans to hang it on a wall somewhere. It's a little weird seeing my book in a frame, but I've gotten used to my mom hanging my writing over the years so it's also fun and exciting to see it looking so fancy.
I've been playing around with a few ideas for children's books while I'm struggling with writer's block on my novel, but I haven't found the idea that sticks out at me. I'm sure a good idea will come to me at a really inconvenient time, like in the middle of work or as I'm falling asleep at night. That's what usually happens...
I hope that everyone enjoys the rest of the week! Wish me luck, because my real test is tomorrow, when I need to get myself ready for work while the kids are all getting ready for school. I'll have to get used to this new routine because we only had to do it two or three times before the schools went on break. Let's hope that everything goes smoothly in the morning!
Thank you so much for your continued support! I look forward to sharing more stories about my experience with foster care, and hopefully hearing from readers who have questions or similar stories to share. I'm always willing to answer questions and hear about other experiences! Please don't forget to like and share my Facebook author page as well!
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