No, we didn't get a new kid... sorry to disappoint! But I did want to talk about what happens when we do find out that we're getting a new kid.
One of my biggest pieces of advice for a new foster family would be to find a place where you can store extra furniture. You can't just live with cribs, toddler beds, and twin size beds taking up space all over your house, but you need to be able to get to the furniture (and bedding) that you need as soon as you receive the phone call to take in a new child. As I said, you only have a couple of hours at most to prepare, and the first thing you need to do is make sure that you have somewhere for the kid to sleep that night.
Of course, one of the more fun parts of having a kid around is going shopping for new clothes. Unfortunately, however, you usually have to wait to go clothes shopping until you get the clothes voucher from DSS. As I've mentioned before, these vouchers usually aren't for much, and you definitely still have to use money out of your own pocket, but it's wise to wait until you get the voucher so you can use that first.
There is so much to do when you find out that you're getting a new family member, and very little time to get everything done. But it's important not to panic, because not everything needs to be done that first day. You'll get to know your new child, and their needs, and be able to help them as time goes on. You may be on a quicker timeline than if you were going through a whole pregnancy, but that just means that you get to meet your bundle of joy (no matter how big they may be) that much quicker!
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