We went from a busy day filled with excitement yesterday, to a day where we were all exhausted and worn out today.
Amazingly enough, even though I was exhausted (and I'm pretty sure my parents were wiped out too), the girls still seemed to be full of energy. In fact, to give them a chance to burn off some of that energy, my dad decided to take my sisters swimming after they got home from school. That's right, it's November 3rd and we can still use the pool in our backyard! How weird is that? People back in New York are putting their heat on and we're down here in 90+ degree weather with the air on and going swimming! I'm loving Florida weather!
What's also pretty cool about Florida is the fact that there are so many different creatures down here than there are in New York. I've posted before about the fact that there are a ton of lizards here. Well today we discovered that the lizards can somehow make it through the ceiling into the skylights in our living room... We were watching television and something caught my eye. I looked up and there was a lizard crawling around up there! Luckily it must have made its way back out the way it came in, because it disappeared after a while. It's certainly more fun to see a lizard in the house than any kind of bug, especially when it's trapped up in a skylight where it can't get to you.
Alright, I can't believe that it's only Tuesday... It feels like it's the end of the week already. I need more sleep! Here's hoping that tomorrow will be a much more productive day than today was!
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