Today was certainly a more productive day in the Krigsman house than yesterday was! We accomplished a lot around here.
Fast forward six months, and here we are.... there's still some boxes that haven't been emptied. Alright, I will come come clean and admit that most of those are mine. But there were still a bunch of boxes in the garage that my dad had filled with tons of tools (many of which we did not need anymore), and we knew that there were boxes somewhere that had belongings which had gone missing. We actually had to buy a new house phone when we got down here because the old one had gone missing.
Well guess what we did today? We cleaned out the whole garage, and surprise, surprise, we found the old phone! We moved things around, added cabinets in the garage, and cleaned everything so that it was organized. Everyone pitched in to help out, and I even took some time to work on homework projects with the twins while everyone else finished the garage. We all really pitched in to accomplish a lot of work today, and even though we were hot, tired, and sweaty, it was worth it to make the house more livable.
Going through boxes to find belongings and moving furniture reminded me of all of the times that we've rearranged rooms to accommodate new children. It used to be such a common practice for us to get that phone call, go sort through furniture at the storage unit, and start rearranging bedrooms. Although I didn't want to get up and start doing work this afternoon, it almost felt natural for us to be moving things around because we haven't changed bedrooms in the six months that we've been here.
It feels like it's been so long since we rearranged for foster care. It's been over a year since my last little sister left our home, and then we couldn't take any more children in before we moved since you never know how long a placement will last. Of course, we couldn't start doing foster care immediately after the move because we needed time to get settled. We've definitely discussed whether or not we will start doing foster care down here, and I don't think that anyone ever came to a final decision; we just kept saying that we'll see how things go as we settle down and get used to our new lives. So I guess that's all I can say as well... We'll see what happens in the future.
Thank you so much for your continued support! I look forward to sharing more stories about my experience with foster care, and hopefully hearing from readers who have questions or similar stories to share. I'm always willing to answer questions and hear about other experiences! Please don't forget to like and share my Facebook author page as well!
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