Tonight I wanted to talk about the phone call that starts each of our adventures: the call asking, “Can you take a child?”
So after the Placement people have called a foster family, and they have room and can take in a child, then the foster family has only a short period of time to prepare before a CPS caseworker brings the child to the house. Usually it’s a matter of a few hours at most. There’s often just enough time for our family to go to our storage unit and take out the extra furniture we keep in there (beds, cribs, high chairs, car seats, etc.) before the new kid arrives.
Then it’s only a matter of time before there’s a knock on the front door and the new foster child has arrived at their new home. After that, there’s no more time to plan. You suddenly have another kid in the house who is scared, feeling alone, and is unsure of what’s going on. Then it’s all about making their adjustment as easy as possible and making them feel welcome in the new home.
You would think that it would become easier to go through this routine after you’ve done it a few times, but each time the situation is a little different and you’re never quite prepared for what will happen with a new child.
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