What a day it has been! I woke up extremely excited from the thrill of finishing my book last night, and it was great to tell my dad and siblings (who had all been asleep by the time I finished).
Instead, I came home (wide smile on my face) with the two books and showed my parents, who wanted to begin reading it immediately. So we forgot about the grocery shopping that needed to be completed, and thank goodness that the younger kids were keeping themselves occupied with toys, and we proceeded to sit around in the lanai as I started to read the story aloud.
I kept a pen with me and began taking notes whenever I found an error that needed fixing. I read a few chapters at a time, stopping only for meals or when the kids needed something from one of us. My voice was getting hoarse, we were all getting tired, but we still pushed on.
I ended up reading the entire book today. Every word, every page, every chapter. The project that I worked on for two years and five months was read aloud in less than 24 hours. I couldn't believe it. It was like Thanksgiving dinner; you plan and prep for so long and the meal is over in a half hour or so. But it was well worth going through all of it today. I edited and revised the entire book (though I know the odds are that there will be plenty more changes to add), and it was great to go through the whole thing with fresh eyes.
The best part was the reactions that I got from my loved ones. There was laughter (at appropriate places, as well as at mistakes like when I had written "covered his hands with his eyes" which made absolutely no sense), and there were tears shed, and it was just so emotional as I finished reading. My parents were so proud of me, and my sister was thrilled to finally hear the book; I couldn't believe that I had actually completed it.
Now, I have to go back through my computer and take the revisions I made on paper and fix the document itself. Then my next step is submitting the work to literary agents in hopes that someone will want to represent me and my work and eventually get the book sold to a publishing agency. I know that it's going to take forever to move through the entire process, but I really feel like this book is going to be in bookstores and libraries one day. This is only the beginning.
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