I know I mentioned a while back that I was in the process of fixing up old blog posts. I'm not changing anything as far as the content of the posts, but I'm fixing the categories of each post so that they are more specific. The more labels I assign to a post, the easier it will be for readers to find what they are looking for when browsing through the Categories list on the right hand side of all blog pages.
While we're on the specific topic of the blog itself, I wanted to mention how exciting it has been lately for me to speak with new foster parents online. A few times this past week, posts on Facebook have caught my attention for mentioning foster care, and I've reached out to people who are just beginning their foster care journey. Now, this isn't a new thing for me; I've written before about the fact that I'm on these Facebook pages for foster families, and every once in a while I'll see someone introducing themselves as a new foster parent or as someone who is going through the process of becoming licensed. I always try to introduce myself and give people the link to my blog, because I really believe that my foster care and adoption posts could be of great help to newer foster parents. For the first time, though, I actually saw a post about foster care on a different Facebook page.
I'm on these yard sale pages on Facebook as well. You've probably seen them before if you're on Facebook often. You basically join these pages and they're a place for you to sell old belongings or purchase things from other people. Kind of like a virtual yard sale. Well I used to be on these pages back in New York, so I figured I should join them down here as well. On one of the pages for a neighboring town, someone was posting about the fact that they wanted to get as many items for younger kids (like clothes, toys, etc.) as possible because they were becoming foster parents and wanted to be prepared for whatever children they were going to have placed with them.
I felt kind of bad because I didn't have anything to give away, but I did jump on that post and introduce myself and my blog, offering advice to the new foster family. It's nice when I receive thanks for offering stories and encouragement to new foster parents, because I'm so happy to be able to share my experiences with others. If I can help foster families even just a little bit by putting my experiences out there for everyone to read, this will all be worth it!
Also in writing news, I finally finished that chapter in my novel! I mean, I may go back and add more to it at a later date, but right now it's complete and I felt good enough about it to move on to the next chapter. That next chapter, by the way, already had two pages completed in it as well. I don't know what's been going on over the past few days, but I'm on a roll and loving every minute of it! I just hope this trend will continue for a while so that I can cover a lot of ground over the next few weeks before I start work.
Thank you so much for your continued support! I look forward to sharing more stories about my experience with foster care, and hopefully hearing from readers who have questions or similar stories to share. I'm always willing to answer questions and hear about other experiences! Please don't forget to like and share my Facebook author page as well!
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