Happy Veterans' Day! Today is a day when we express our thanks for all of the men and women who have served in our Armed Forces.
To celebrate the significant day, my little sisters' elementary school invited families to a kindergarten and chorus concert this morning. The chorus kids, who appeared to be in the upper elementary grades, sang a few songs, and the kindergarten classes sang their own songs. My little sisters had been practicing their selections at home, including, "God Bless America," and "You're A Grand Old Flag."
My mom and I went into the school for the concert, and it was absolutely wonderful. Veterans in attendance were honored as they were asked to stand at the beginning of the show. When the chorus students sang the anthems of each brand of the Armed Forces, veterans stood again to represent the branch in which they had served. All of the kindergarten kids had little flags to wave throughout the concert and everyone wore red, white, and blue.
We were really impressed with my little sisters because they remembered all of the words and movements to the songs that they performed. They were extremely excited about the performance, and they continually waved to us in the audience as they sang. I thought that the concert was beautifully done and it was a great way to honor some local veterans. I was kind of wishing that my hometown did something like that, because it was a beautiful tribute.
I hope that all of our veterans enjoyed a wonderful day, and I sincerely thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. It takes an incredibly special person to put everything on the line to defend our freedom and fight for our nation. America salutes you all!
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