Don't you just love reminiscing about fun times in the past? While everyone was out of the house during the day, my mom and I started going through a few old things that had to be put into the attic, and I found quite the plethora of funny memorabilia.
Some of my favorite finds were books that I had created. One was called "Taylor's Picksur Book" (get it?) and featured illustrations with the caption, "Just a picksur here." I didn't get a picture of that book, but I did get a few of another book that I wrote. "The Cats" was literally stapled together like a book, and was a whopping three pages long. Complete with "THE AND," the book made me laugh with its simplicity and silly drawings.
I love looking through things from my childhood and reminiscing about the past. It makes me smile to see what I was like as a child, and I see some of the same qualities in my little sisters now.
I could waste hours looking through old things (instead of putting them away like my parents would like me to do, of course). Do you like looking through pieces of your history? I would be curious to hear what you like finding from your past... old photos? Pictures that you drew as a child? Newspaper clippings about events you took part in? Tell me about something you love to remember in the comments!
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